DNK Online Gaming Clan

Monday 9 January 2012

Storytelling to help me focus

I am lazier than a mexican village, I absolutely love minatures and like nothing more to see a well painted minature astride some great terrain doing whatever I am dreaming up, but can I be arsed painting any of them to make that happen..........narr.
Now combine that apathy with the fact that I also believe I may have the makings of a sci-fi book or twelve inside me, so I had a dream :) , an idea that I would only tell each new part of my story providing I could rpg the content with painted minatures and terrain.This has several advantages it motivates me to paint because I want to tell my stories and it focus's my efforts in support of each part of the story rather than just painting to put a tick in a box, it ramps up the challenge because it will require a lot of creativity to energise the story on the tabletop  instead of just inside your mind.I will cheat often because I have bought many painted figures and items over the years but I will declare the origin of every part so that when one of my own figures/designs actually surfaces apart from a great deal of whooping and back patting, I will also run a start-wip-finish commentary to help motivate other lazy buggers like myself to do good things......more often.Constructive encouragement is always needed and appreciated ..........watch this space


  1. Good luck with the new kit on the story idea. Should be interesting. I couldn't do it - you'd have to wait months between chapters...

  2. Your right that worry did raise its head, but then I thought well I can still write when Im able and store the chapters as drafts until I can raise a suitable diorama/game to summarise it,might even give me a chance to physically try something and if I find it unlikely and change the script,.....it will be fun trying to make it all work. Appreciate the feedback

  3. That's a nifty idea. Something similar motivated me to keep my old Undead army going for four years, so it can work! Good luck to you with it.
