DNK Online Gaming Clan

Saturday 17 September 2011

Loft Lurkers - What have you forgotten or left at your mums ?

Imagine my suprise when PP a good friend of mine from the clan said " You'll never guess what I found in me mums loft  " ?........knowing how weird this guy can be (sheep fetish) I really didnt want to answer him ...but curiousity got the better of me.
Here are some of his models painted a good 20 years ago and how gobsmacked was I, not only did they arrive in abox with more sawdust in than 3 sawmills but how good was his painting? I pride myself on being crap at painting but im hoping to improve...eventually, but I was really impressed by these M113 APCs and the jeep.All from Tamiya but again at a scale spot on for a 40k game/rpg, 1:35 apparently, with nicely detailed interiors.A few 40k decals and the odd weapon upgrade and another smart looking model joins my loyalist forces of the Imperium..............cheers PP

1 comment:

  1. so he didnt line them up on garden fence an you tube him shooting them with his championship side-by-side shot gun. lol
